Saturday, November 14, 2009

Poem - Colours

Here is a little poem/lyrics I's something 'brainless' but I do like it. It's not meant to be taken seriously! Enjoy...

Colours in the air
I'm lovin this parade
Life of ours has many...
Colours flowin freely

Your scarf that I grab
My foot soundin tap tap
For you I drag my heart
Your eyes a golden art

Even that special glitter
On your body shimmers
Rubbing against mine
Intoxicatin like wine

The flesh of our soft lips
Touchin your red lipstick
As we close our embrace
Every colour shows its grace

Hope you liked it!


  1. Why? Why hasn't no one commented on this!

    Don't people realize how good this is?

    I think I was the first. Hehe. Nice poem.

    Should get that pulished in the US too. Hehe.

    Navneet Kaur (USA)

  2. Hey!
    A lot of people read this Navneet but they do not comment...but I am positive that they appreciate it.
    Do you know where I can get this published in the US?
    Thank you so much!

