The movie of the year that stars Shah Rukh and Kajol in a Karan Johar direction, first hits you like a movie and then becomes a moving experience for you!
A simple journey of a Muslim autistic man Rizwan Khan who wants to prove to the world and to the President of the United States of America that he is not a terrorist. His wife Mandira, a Hindu single mother falls in love with the innocence of Rizwan's love. As the movie unfolds their love story, you feel the happiness and you feel the pain.
The story is realistic and praise must go to Shibani Bhatija for scripting an amazing screenplay and to Karan Johar for sticking to realism, when it could have been easy for him to divert.
Shibani and Karan please do make the screenplay available for the public, this will be great for those who want to aspire to make great movies, it will be the perfect template.
Rizwan Khan is the character you remember when you walk out the cinema hall. The goodness of this character is like a mirror to your own soul. He makes you wonder about how good your life is and how good we are as human beings. Rizwan is very happy about his religion and very proud. However, he never sees the differences that we judge others against, whether that is race, colour, nationality, religion and caste. He only knows that if you are bad...that bad things are going to happen to you. If you are good then good things will happen to you. Even when bad things happen to him, he never blames anyone. He goes beyond the blame game and sets on correcting his ways. The great thing about Rizwan is that no matter what event or person comes in his way, he is adamant to go and meet the President of the United States just to say 'My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist!'
Mandira is the character that moves the story and is the true motivator behind Rizwan Khan. She is the perfect wife but as she struggles to understand what has happened in her life, she blames Rizwan. She allows her feelings to surrender to hatred. A direct opposite to Khan, yet Khan never sees fault in it. Mandira is no doubt a good person but she shows us how vulnerable we are as human beings.
Ammi is Rizwan's mother. She is the life force and soul of Rizwan. Her very sacred and precious teachings give him the essence of how to live a life. Ammi installs only goodness in the young child and she understands her son without questioning why he is the way he is. She shows him pure love and Rizwan lives and breathes by that pure love.
Sam is Rizwan and Mandira's son. Sam is the metaphor for how relationships are beyond blood. Rizwan sees Sam as his own son while it is Mandira's child from a previous marriage. Sam suffers due to ignorant youths, who only know how to brand and judge people. Sam is the reason why Rizwan goes on his journey and it is Sam who guides Rizwan's footsteps to achieve his goal.
One needs to celebrate Karan Johar for choosing such a difficult topic and sticking to it. Most directors would have failed to create this perfect film. There may be scenes where most critics will not understand but life is like that and that is what Johar does, he shows realism. He shows life as it is on screen. He makes you become one with the journey that Khan takes. The way he tackles the 'storm and church re-construction' scene are amazing! The whole aspect of the media, he handles with such passion and respect. He allows us to see the negative and the positive of how the media operates. All scenes are handled brilliantly. When you look back at Johar's library of work, it is hard to believe that you are watching a movie of the same director. He keeps the movie light and allows it to flow with you.
One needs to also praise the Director of Photography Ravi Chandran as he captures the landscapes of America beautifully and without such great camerawork, this movie would not have been so great.
Editing by Deepa Bhatia is excellent. I wonder that if the edit was more sharper than it was, would the messages still have the same significance? I am glad that the movie is the way it is. You are meant to take the messages inside your mind and heart and Bhatia gives us the pace to do that effectively.
The music is awesome, seriously it weaves with the plot peacefully and elegantly. The background music is out of this world. If Karan Johar is listening, I will buy the background music if you release it on CD or allow us to buy it via Itunes! Tere Naina lasts with you, Sajda makes you celebrate, Noor-E-Khuda grabs your heart and Allah Hi Rahem makes you appreciate the Lord!
Well done to everyone, especially Karan Johar! Seriously, those who thought he wasn't capable of completing such a task, you are going to eat your words. He is one of the brightest directors that India have!
I am only going to talk about the main two actors. However, every person who acted in this were perfect and gave stellar performances. One must say to look out for Arjun Mathur and Sonya Jehan.
Shah Rukh Khan gives his finest performance to date. One wonders where was Shah Rukh Khan here because all I saw was Rizwan Khan! SRK plays a man with Asperger's syndrome to perfection. The little nuances, the expressions all make you feel for the character. This performance proves to the world why he is the most popular actor in the world. He proves to the world that he is one of the best actor's to come out of Hindi Cinema. Those who doubted his performance will now regret those words because no actor in the Hindi Film Industry can match up to the acting that SRK has done. The way he remains expressionless when a normal person would feel something...that is a very hard thing to do, but SRK makes it look easy. SRK makes you cry for Rizwan and makes you happy for Rizwan. He has set a new milestone and has proven yet again that he is the best and is going to stay for a long time. A true gem!
Kajol gives yet again, surprise surprise an amazing performance. Only Kajol could do justice to the role and she proves that when it comes to tugging your emotions, she can do it with ease. Watch out for her breakdown, it is one of the finest moments not only for this movie but for the history of Hindi Cinema. She plays her character with ease and perfection. She matches up to SRK in every scene and that is difficult. She is one powerhouse of a performer. Kajol's eyes are beyond beautiful. I fell in love with her. She made Mandira so likeable and the audience could relate to Mandira's reaction to certain things. This is only due to her powerful performance.
I know this is too early to say but best actors awards are going to these two. There will be no performance that will be able to top these two.
The romantic scenes that are brought to us can only be done by Shah Rukh and Kajol. Their chemistry is top notch and you feel so happy to see them together and you break apart when you see them depart.
Personal opinion and audience reaction
First of all, this may contain spoilers and it is my opinion. Audience reaction was amazing. Everyone loved it and people laughed at the right times, i heard gasps at the right time and there was even clapping at the end!
My personal opinion and this is where I divulge what this movie meant for me. This movie has made me appreciate Islam even more. I always knew that it only propagated peace for humanity and love. The difference is with this movie is that it proves that. Watch out for the scene when Rizwan is in the Mosque...it touches your heart. The subject has been dealt with respect and the sensitivity has been realised earlier on hence such a powerful movie.
The movie shows how the only difference in human beings is whether we are good or bad. Religion is the path we choose on our own accord to guide us to become a good person. The film doesn't get preachy but when you come home and you are on your own, you do think about the message of the film. People may claim that the movie is slow...but think about it...the film is a journey of the protagonist. When we are on life's journey, is it very fast for us? Or do events in our life slowly unravel infront of us? I am sure anyone with the right mind will see it as the latter.
When you leave the theatre and if you are with friends, take my advice...don't discuss the movie until you have had 10 minutes to recall the movie and its messages. The film first hits you like any other movie but when you absorb the messages, you just realise that you went through an experience alongside Rizwan Khan. Also, Rizwan Khan shakes Obama's hand and I feel this happens due to Sam. Rizwan overcomes his fear of shaking hands to prove justice to the message that gave birth to his journey.
I felt that love should be like Rizwan's. It should be unconditional and full of pure innocence. I feel so inspired by the message that the movie gives. Truly I do feel that I need to become more like Rizwan.
The movie is NOT about terrorism, it is a love story at the core! The movie shows how great the message of Islam is and how humanity is the core of its teachings. The film confirms my pride and joy in having muslim friends!
Hollywood will accept this movie with open arms. This is the true crossover movie and it will be easy for anyone to understand. I believe the film is done in 40% english but I do believe that even if the dialogues are not heard, the film can still be understood. The acting is immensely powerful that the dialogues feel like a bonus treat for us.
Good people will accept this movie and will welcome the message into their lives. Bad people will not understand this movie. That is the judgement the movie gives too when we introspect into our own lives. A movie that contains so many little but effective messages needs to be watched more than once. It is a layered film if watched with the heart and one cannot capture it all in one viewing!
So here comes the crucial part. What is the rating for this movie? The movie does not meet the expectations...it goes beyond the expectations. Since it's positive in all areas, I am giving it a 5/5! Watch it to believe it!
Rahul N. Singh - My name is Singh and Humanity is my mission!
Please note: This is a review on what the movie meant to me. I am not a professional critic and I am only stating how I felt.
beautiful...m gonna watch it tomorrow..thnx for the review though...waitin for my encounter with rizwan khan!
ReplyDeleteThank you Anupam! I hope that you can come here tomorrow and prove that my review was unbiased and from the heart! Rizwan Khan is the new romantic hero!
Great review! thanx.....can't wait to watch FDFS and again next weekend!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Glad you liked the review and you will enjoy the movie! :D
ReplyDeleteExcellent review --- We are greater than our fears - more than a name....
omg! rahul im in shock!! dont know wot to say!! give me some time!!!! :o
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THE REVIEW RAHUL..i m really lookin forward to see the movie now! and i felt every single word u wrote..really u took me to a journey wiz u there,keep up the good job bro..n yes,HUMANITY IS MY MISSION TOO NOW..:)
ReplyDeletekhantastic review!!!
ReplyDeletestill waiting for the aam junta to give their feedback...but wat d heck !!! m watchng it FDFS...wats wid d hurricane scene evry1s tokng abt ???
I M reareading it rahul! great job my friend..
ReplyDeletethat previous anonymous was me too..lol i just knew now how to post it wiz my name..(so stupid i know..:D)
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! Thanks for the comments! Going in order since my last comment!
ReplyDelete1.Yes we are greater than our fears and more than a name! Watch the movie to see how beautiful this message is shown!
2.Rizwana...have all the time you want but please do share your views with me!
3. Thank you for loving my review! I really hope you can come back here and say that you totally agree with my review! I really appreciate your comments! I wrote from the heart for your heart! Humanity is OUR mission!
4. Thank you and I am part of the aam junta too! The hurricane scene is one of the important scenes. I feel it plays an integral part in the movie. The messages that lay within are strong! thank you once again!
Lovely read! Glad to know many people appreciating the movie!
ReplyDeleteHave a silly questiont hough. Is this movie okay watching with parents? I know there's 2 scenes where SRK asks Mandira to have sex. Apart from that...anything else? Any "doing it" scenes?
Sorry..wanna make sure before I go with my parents to watch.
cool!!! i just hope evrythng gets sorted out between SS n SRK, so dat v can have a smooth release...n frm dubai n d buzz ovr here is tremendous...ders only 1 agenda on every1s book 2nite...MY NAME IS KHAN...n plz HE'S NOT A TERRORIST...a true indian
ReplyDeletehey super review loved it alot :)
ReplyDelete1. Hey glad you enjoyed the review! The film is perfect to watch with your family. There are no sex scenes. Those two scenes are hilarious because of Rizwan's innocence.
ReplyDelete2. Yes..I am hoping too that it gets sorted but humanity will win! please book your tickets...the film deserves all the accolades! SRK is not only a true indian...he is a true human being!
3. Thanks for enjoying my review. :D
nice review dude.........
ReplyDeleteThank you Jaseer! Glad its being appreciated! :D
ReplyDeletethanks 4 the review. will watch d movie now
ReplyDeleteExcellent review...very detailed and very impressive! Very happy to know the film rocks and would surely come back here with my views as soon as I see the film!
ReplyDeleteGreat work!
1. Thank you...please do watch MNIK and tell me your views!
ReplyDelete2. Fenil- thank you for enjoying the review. Please, I am looking forward to knowing your views and you may also post the link to your review too! :D
Excellent man, so now, raj,rahul are dethroned in the list of best charachter by srk with his latest "Rizwan KHAN ". Loved ur review man, keep it up. Btw jst 1 question was the screening of MNIK on 11th in whole U.K or it was jst in London?
ReplyDeleteHi Shoaib
ReplyDeleteThanks for loving my review...it means a lot to me. Yes..Rizwan Khan is the new romantic hero and one does wonder how many times does SRK need to re-define to prove he is the best?!
The screening for MNIK was only for a select amount of people yesterday and only in London too.
Today...it is normal paid previews for everyone! :D
Loved ur review...I have waited for a whole year for the release of this phenomenal work by karan...cleiche as it may sound,i am a die hard fan of shahrukh...but sadly i cant watch this masterpiece in my own city (MUMBAI)..regretting it immensely....and for everyone who thinks the controversy is to promote the movie..please get a life...will certainly post my review...lastly and coincidenlty....My name is Khan and i am an INDIAN.. and proud to be one....
ReplyDeleteHey Rahul, Khantastic rvw..after reading this rvw i am left speechless..hope it will be the same after i see the muv.. :))
ReplyDeletekeep up the good work bro..
ReplyDeleteThank you for loving my review! I have waited 2 years for this movie once I heard it was being made! karan proves to be one of the brightest and talented directors with this film!
Being a SRK fan does not mean your opinion will be any less objective..I believe to impress a fan is much more difficult than to impress someone who isnt a fan. A fan has expectations that the star must reach, while non-fans have no expectations from the star!
I am praying that the movie is released in Mumbai..show your support my friend and dont lose hope. Go to the theatres and show why MNIK is important to you...do it with a peaceful and loving heart!
Please do post your review!
And like SRK said in his tweet 'i want to enjoy my film everywhere. i want to enjoy it within myself. and to sickos who think this is for publicity..2 words SHUT UP !!'
My Name is Singh and Humanity is my Mission!
Hey Abhijit!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words...mean so much to me! I really do mean that. I hope the movie leaves you speechless with a train of thoughts about Rizwan and how great his life is compared to ours. And when you have that realisation to change like I did...its even better!
thanks for liking my work..MNIK is Khantastic! :D
Rahul, fantastic and articulate review. Let MNIK rule the world!
ReplyDeleteThanks John! Means a lot that you think highly of my review. The film is ten times better than the review! :D
ReplyDeletehey rahul..really really liked ur review..esp the part about u appreicating islam more..being muslim it means alot to finally have people understand that islam is about peace and love just like all other religions :) i havent seen the movie yet but i am absolutely dieing to!!
ReplyDeleteHey Nada!
ReplyDeleteSo nice to see such a beautiful and inspiring comment. Oh yes, I have always had respect for Islam but not it is even more because MNIK truly looks at it properly. I hope that MNIK can be the catalyst so that world religions can come together and eradicate the little problems we all have! Please do watch the movie as soon as you can..i promise you will not be disappointed!
Thnx wonderful review
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am glad you like the review! :D
ReplyDeleteRahul beta ,thank you from all my heart .I did read the review early in the morning but thought to post only now because I wanna tell how much I like it...Gid bless you !!!I`m Maria mitwa from Planet
ReplyDeleteHey Maria
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your beautiful comment...I am glad that you liked the review! Means a lot to me...it really does! God bless you too and thank you honestly...for such encouraging words! :D
hey rahul! i didnt wana spoil netin by reading the whole review so i went str8 to YOUR opinions on the film. il b lukin out for the audiences feedback on saturday and give u an update!!but jealous uve already sin it! keep up the work with the blogs, uve had an amazin response, once i have watched it i shal read ur blog in full and give u a beta feedback, but for now..
mwah Sinita xxxx
Hey Sinita!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment! Please do give me as much info and i want to know everything when you come back after watching the movie! dont be jealous of me...hehe! the response for the review has been amazing...been busy here...on twitter...facebook...so proud! i hope i can keep it up! hehe!
Looking forward to your view on the film hehe :D
This review is fantastic! I can not wait to see My Name Is Khan on Saturday. Though, I do feel bad for Mumbai and their decision of not releasing the movie there. I live in America, and every Muslim in the country is happily awaiting the new movie! You didn't give out too many spoilers, because we all know this movie has a happy ending. Is it true that everyone is saying that this is Karan Johar's greatest movie till Date?
ReplyDeleteHey President Saad
ReplyDeleteThank you for your regal comment! ;)
Erm first of all thank you for appreciating the review...please do send it to all your friends and family. They need to know what a gem this movie is! I am glad that every muslim is looking forward to this film...they deserve such a positive film after years of unnecessary bad treatment by movies and media!
This is not only Karan Johar's best movie to date but one of the best movies ever released in Hindi Cinema! :D
Please do tell me what you think of the movie after you see it! :D
hey rahul..I am Afsar Khan...really really liked ur review n looking fwd for the moving ...esp the part about u appreicating islam more..being muslim it means alot to me that finally people r understanding the islam (Religion of PEACE)
ReplyDeleteI m bit jealous tht u saw the movie b4 me. I hope this will be Khantastic movie.....Being a KHAN myself means a lot for me as people thinks if you are khan then you are terrorist.....i havent seen the movie yet but i am absolutely looking fwd to!!
@somu926::::: This is nt true i Have seen the movie .....and the message u posted is a SMS going around .......ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteHey Afsar!
ReplyDeleteThank you for appreciating my review! Yes...it truly shows Islam in its true sense. I must say at times..there used to be insecurity against muslims but after this...whoever is still insecure...they havent understood the movie!
This is as you say, a Khantastic movie and watch the movie for the moving message that it brings to you! truly is inspiring!
Everyone is jealous but hey...you wouldnt have got this review if I hadnt lol!
Thanks again Mr Khan(from the epiglottis) :)
2. Anonymous...i deleted that persons comment..saying that Jimmy Shergill is the real lover...it is showing they havent seen the movie! and now you tell me its an SMS going on...how stupid will people be if they believe it haha! :P
Hmm didnt read the Review..but thought you look very cute in your picture:)
ReplyDeleteHey Emaan!
ReplyDeleteIf you read my review...I will look very very very cute! haha! I am rather shy to these praises but thank you! :D Please do read the review...I am not just any old cute boy! haha :P x
Of course I will read it once I see the movie, I dont want to read any reviews:Positive or Negative before seeing the movie!
ReplyDeleteJust so I dont have any preconceived notions! You have written a lot and in detail, so Im sure you are not just a cute boy!Beauty and brains! Ooo Have I hit the jackpot?;) haha
Hi rahul!! i just LOVE your review!! you have said everything that i feel like saying!! but i'm still speechless even after hours of watching the movie. a standing ovation for MY NAME IS KHAN!! and yes!! i clapped too at the end!!
ReplyDeleteEmaan! Thank you...aslong as you read the review...I am happy! :D Hahha..i guess im not just a cute boy...i have a bit of brains...haha! im just good with words accidently haha! I dont know if you have hit the jackpot...you have to find out! :D You might want to check my poems and other stuff i write on here! ;)
ReplyDeleteDarina...many thanks for your beautiful comments...feel happy to know that I am able to write what your heart feels. Yes a big time standing ovation for MNIK! Its one of the best films that Bollywood has ever churned out! Its been two days since I have watched it...and i am still speechless as images in my mind come up of the amazing journey I took along with Rizwan Khan!
Really Liked the way u reviewed the movie. Keep it on and you can really make big in this genre. I have to drive five hours to watch the movie. I did that for 3 idiots. It is a shame that I cant do the same for MNIK as I am having exam this week and the following. I will watch in internet and will watch second time once I get through my exam.
ReplyDeleteHey Asim!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am glad you like the style and if you wish I will continue to write movie reviews.
Aww whenever you get the time to watch MNIK please go ahead! Its an experience you cannot miss!
God bless you and all the best for your exams!
Rahul, v good depth in thought! Would have loved to see more mention of technical aspects, although that's just me being me! I like your perspective and what you think the audience should take from the movie, and what to watch out for.
ReplyDeleteHi Sunny
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about the technical aspects even though I want to be a filmmaker. But I enjoy what I get from a movie. Technical aspects are important but truly the content of the movie is what keeps me interested. Im sorry that I am not able to do that. Maybe I will learn someday!
Thank you very much Sunny for liking my perspective. I certainly do think of myself and the audience and see if its a film worth watching. My Name is Khan is definitely worth watching! :D
thank you again!
Her Rahul (again)
ReplyDeletewel firstly..I have now read the whole of your blog, I love the way you give a detailed synopsis of the film but at the same time do not give away the heart of the story, I knew the minute SRK goes "I want to tell him about our sam"...
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cried from start to finish. laughed too and so did the audience, as you said on msn, the audiences reaction is amazing, they laughed at the right times, listened at the right times, every1 was silent....
I love the way Karan Johar dusn't just make it a typical "love story" at the centre of the story, he tries to capture many different aspects of life, the joys and heartache we all go through all within the space of less than 3 hours! It was amazing, I congratulate him on his work. He did a good job of portraying how Muslims and the overall Asian society got treated after 9/11 and hope this film really does open peoples eyes.
I think the film moved me so much for many reasons, 1) he was autistic, 2) the whole situation surrounding 9/11, 3) a mothers loss, 4) bullying that so many people are oblivious too and 5) the one that made me cry even watching the trailer...how he was treated by the police!
I love Shahrukh's take on his character, I took my mum to watch it and apart from 1 thing...he portrayed the life of an autistic person brilliantly. I have even more respect and admiration for him for this film, like I said to you the moment I saw the trailer..I fell in love with him all over again.
Kajol's role, amazing as a main character, as a mother and as a wife, I could not fault anything in her role.
I don't know what to say other than "PERFECTION" from start to finish, everything was well thought out, each emotion was brought out brilliantly by both Shahrukh and Kajol, it made you feel the emotion with them.
I'm still in shock atm..its taken me an hour to write this lol. I will leave it hear and give you the rest of my thoughts when your on msn next :)
p.s. I'm watching it AGAIN next week and when I've handed my dissertation in with the girls to celebrate! :D
Keep up the work.
Sinita xxx
Hey Sinita
ReplyDeleteWowwww i love your comment! So sweet and I am glad that you share the same feelings as I did when I watched the movie.
I was also in shock and awe at the end. Love Rizwan...made me contemplate on my life so much!
I am glad that the audience reacted at the right times...miss the film and I will be watching it again very soon!
I dont know what to say with your comment because it is so detailed and beautifully written.
I hope that your friends will enjoy the film as much as you do and you know you will enjoy it more the second time round...its brilliant!
SRK is the best and I am glad that with this performance he has made you fall in love with him again. I will pass this on to him when he is on twitter next!
Lots of love my dear!
Rahul xxx
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